Although you'll continue to experience changes in 2012, dear Sagittarius, life in general is a little more stable this year than it has been lately. Those looking for a partner will have more opportunities in the latter half of the year, and into next year. Until June, work continues to take up a lot of your attention, and you're enjoying it for the most part. Your very identity is tied up in the services you provide and the job that you do. Reassessment of your professional goals will do you well from January 23-April 13. Search inside for answers. Mid-year, your focus shifts considerably. Your social life begins to take more precedence. By October, with strict Saturn leaving your friendship sector, this is even more likely. Pleasing others is a theme, but you're also bound to get something back - it's not a one-way street. In fact, you're likely to find that others are supportive and interested in 2012 and 2013. While this is generally a good thing, the North Node in your sign until September suggest that your path to greatest fulfillment is through avoiding becoming too dependent on others, and recognizing your independence and ability to stand alone. Love is a strong theme in your life this year. Dealing with the past is likely from mid-May to the end of June. Partnerships tend to fare better in 2012 than more casual love relationships, which can be temperamental. While you're certainly more companionable in the latter half of the year, dear Sagittarius, freedom is an important theme in any love relationship or partnership you have right now. Alternative relationships hold stronger appeal. There can be plenty of distractions in 2012, and while this is true for everyone to some degree, it's especially the case for you. Although distractions tend to dissipate towards the end of the year, so may your professional and practical ambitions, so do what you can to push your professional agenda in the first three quarters of the year.
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